Winning with Care, Together
Join other care donors supporting candidates who will build a future where we all have the tools – including paid family and medical leave, affordable child care, home and community-based care, and fair pay for all care workers – to be able to work, take care of our families, and contribute to our communities.
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Give to races determining the future of care
Your donations help show candidates that care issues are winning issues because they are our priorities. Together, we’re unstoppable.
Our Candidate Slates
CareWins supports candidates with a clear message and record advancing policies that build a care infrastructure, which lift our economy and are tools necessary for families to succeed.
There’s strength in numbers
All of us will need to receive and provide care at some point in our lives. Yet the U.S, lags behind most other nations in having the tools (including paid family and medical leave, affordable child care, home and community-based care, and fair pay for all care workers) for people to be able to work, take care of our families, and contribute to our communities. The absence of these tools is crushing families, hurting businesses, and undermining the economy. It doesn’t have to be this way. Solutions are possible. CareWins is a group of leaders and donors like you who are coming together to elect federal candidates who will advance care policies that will strengthen families, businesses, and our economy. Every dollar is another step toward winning care. Thank you!

Paid Family & Medical Leave
There are only 7 countries in the world without this critical policy in place. Everyone needs access to paid family and medical leave when a new baby or child arrives, a serious health crisis strikes, or a close loved one has a critical health emergency. This policy helps people stay in the labor force, allows businesses to run smoothly, and lifts families and our economy alike.
Affordable Child Care
Just like we need to build bridges and roads to drive on to go to work, we need to build a childcare system so parents can go to work, children can thrive with high quality early education, and care workers can earn living wages.

Home & Community-Based Care
Everyone should be able to age and live with dignity. Yet right now, access to affordable, high quality care for those who are elderly and/or with disabilities is too often out of reach.
Fair Pay for All Care Workers
Care is the work that makes all other work possible, that educates our earliest learners, and that opens doors for disabled and elderly people to flourish. But the care workforce is one of the lowest paid workforces, which pushes people out of their profession and leads to instability. Care workers must be paid fairly in order to work, take care of their families, and contribute to their communities.

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